Wednesday 6 June 2007

Formation and First Assignment

Donard 2nd Casteus, 605 AR.

The players all found themselves in Ternon Crag out in the Bloodstone Marches. While wandering about this city looking for work they notice that the local branch of the Corvis Mining Consortium is hiring guards. Interested in the pay they all head along to the Gold Standard in which the interviews are being held. The players sat around in the common room of the inn introducing themselves and getting to know each other when three gentlemen in suits entered. One of these was an elderly man who required a walking stick to get about; the other two were younger and carried leather folders and cases, clearly his assistants. The elderly man introduced himself as Jakob Rhound, the chairman of the Mining Consortium. His tow assistants were Wilhelm Mayner and Leto Darning. The job that he had for the players was to travel to the small mining town of Naggs End further out in the Bloodstone Marches, about 85 miles away. There had been some recent trouble there, bandits and other things which had started to effect the mines operation. The mine itself is a gem mine, mining semi precious stones which are then transported to Ternon Crag and then to Corvis for luxury products. The Players accept the work and with their initial pay of 250gp in advance they head out into town preparing themselves.

They return the next morning geared up and ready. They join the supply convoy and its guards heading out to Naggs End. The journey south takes several days and though they see the occasional wild creature the trip is rather uneventful other than a broken wheel which had to be replaced. Finally they arrive in Naggs End. It really is a one horse town. The mine, a few miles away, dominates the life and nature of the settlements. Without it the place wouldn’t exist. Setting themselves up in the small and modest house provided for them by the company the players then head out to explore the area. Wilhelm accompanied them on their journey as he is their company representative here in the town. He heads off to the company warehouses and compounds so sort out business. Locating the only general store and tavern the players soon return to their house and begin to secure it. The Khardic Arcane Mechanic and Tok booby trap the entrances whilst the Trollkin, Thrawcheld and Gaunt nail crooked bits of wood against the windows. The Khard, Tok and Troll kin then head back into town to fetch some supplies. They meet a gentleman on the way who introduces himself as Gosar Orsokin, a local entrepreneur. After some polite conversation he warns them that the best be careful round here. Returning with some rations from the store the party rests up for the night.

The next morning they headed out to the mine with Wilhelm. Its several miles to the West located amongst some small wooded hills. The Khard and Gaunt asses the condition of the steam engines used to pull the trolleys up and down the tracks in the mine and find them in a dismal state of repair. Wilhelm disappears into the foreman’s office and gets down to company business. The players after a few brief chats with some of the miners about the area and what the mine is like head down along with the foreman who had finished his business with Wilhelm. They head down to the lowest levels of the mines, which had been shut off since a recent cave in and disappearance of several miners. They leave the foreman and begin to head off down one of the tunnels, finding it a dead end they head back, only to discover the foreman dead by a head wound, from a pick axe. Hearing something from another tunnel they charge in. Standing before them is a shaft wight. After some battling two more appear, surrounding the players. Despite some serious injuries, a few spells from Guant and some good shots from Thrawcheld soon destroy the monstrosities. The Foreman and the bodies of the shaft wights, two of whom match the descriptions of lost miners are burnt. Heading back up theres is some commotion at the news of the foreman’s death and the shaft wights, many of the miners were quite spooked. The players rest up for a while and investigate the miners further, finding no more shaft wights, thus allaying the miners fears. Thrawcheld while investigating, attempted to steal clumps of rock in which are some precious stones. He however was spotted by the miners and failed to get away with it. Tok noticing this steals a lump himself when nobody is looking. With little else to do the Khard and Gaunt ask Wilhelm to order in some clockwork and steam engine parts and a few other things which they believe can be used to improve the mines efficiency. Wilhelm obliges them, and the parts should arrive in a week or two with he next load of supplies.

The Players return to town and rest, enjoying a night in the tavern, Gosar is there and though pleasant to them he has an air of menace. Asking Wilhelm and other locals about him, they learn that he and his men are something of the local mafia. Noting that he is certainly a power to be reckoned with here about they decide to steer a wide berth of him. The next day a shipment of stones is to be sent to Ternon Crag. In an effort to outwit some of the bandits that have plagued these shipments as of late, the players make a mock up wagon in which Tok, Thrawcheld and the Druid hide. The wagons head out, on the way out Gosar bids the visible players a good day. Several miles out they are attacked on all sides by a group of bandits, some of whom have rifles and begin sniping at them. A brief fire fight ensues; the hidden players emerge and engage the bandits trying to take the wagons. Several bandits are killed and the others flee. Rounding up two horses that the bandits left behind the Druids wolf peruses some of those that fled. Unfortunately they to were mounted and had managed to get away. Seeing the convoy halfway to Ternon Crag the party turns about and returns to town with their fake wagon. Upon their return Gosar welcomes them. Heading to Wilhelm the players enquire if anybody in the warehouse new about the convoy heading out, they discover that several of the labourers who loaded the wagons did. One of whom has gone missing. Returning to their house the players rest for the night.

The next day the body of one of the missing labourers is found hanging from the front of his house. Several days pass with little activity, things are quiet. The players ret, get to know some of the locals and practice their skills. Guant and Tok begin to draw up plans for various clockwork and steam powered drilling and mining devices. Finally the ordered parts arrive. The players head up to the mine to make their intended modifications and repairs. Whilst there they learn that a few desert lions have been seen in the area and have scarred some of the workers away. Lead by the Druid the head out tracking the lions. They locate one and engage it. Only to be ambushed in the flanks by 3 other lions. A desperate fight ensues in which some of the players are severely injured. Surving the return to the mine. Guant skinning a lion and taking its pelt and making it into a fashionable cloak.. They take some goats and kill them and poison their flesh. These they leave out for the remaining lions who take the bait. They return the next day and track the lions, finding their den in some caves a few miles away from the mine. Inside are several dead adult lions and their cubs. Meanwhile Gaunt searches the area looking for various poisonous creatures. After some effort he manages to capture several scorpions and begins to milk them of their poison.

With the extra parts brought in Tok and Gaunt begin to construct prototypes of their drilling machines. That eveing they get a visit from Gosar. He brings with him a small keg of beer which he offers to share with the players. Suspicious of his intentions and involvement with local bandits they refuse. Insults are traded and threats made against Gosar. Peering out of the window the Druid notices several armed men. A smashing sound draws the attention of the players who see a large Trollkin with a huge axe walk in through the back door. Gosar tired of them leaves, warning them again.

Several more days pass and the length of the players contract with the company is almost up. Preparing to leave they head into town one last time to set their affair in order. Leto had come down from Ternon Crag to conduct some business. Hoping to have their newly invented drilling machine patented Tok and Gaunt hand over their plans to him and receive a receipts and contracts ensuring their royalties and rights for the sale and production of these devices by the consortium. Leto with his bodyguards heads back of to Ternon Crag. The Players then go back to their house. Passing the tavern on the way, Gosar and his men were sitting outside drinking and playing cards. Several jibes and jeers were exchanged. Unable to control himself the Khard lunged forwards and colour sprayed the group. Unaffected by his spell Gosars men arm themselves. He attempts again but fails to get all of them. The Trollkin Bodyguard leaps forward and cleaves the Khard in to. Unsure what to do the rest of players offer no resistance and back off. Gosar tells them to leave town.

The players return to their house and sleep. Taking it in turns to take watch, fearing attacks by Gosars men. The next morning the players join up with the next shipment of gems going out to Ternon Crag. Apart from a few bumps and falls from the wagons, in which Thrawcheld was hurt the trip again is relatively uneventful. Upon return to Ternon Crag the players are paid an extra 100gp for their services and thanked by the company. Tok and Gaunt, investigating the status of the patents discover that the inventions patented in the companies name, and that all knowledge of their involvement is denied. Despite arguing and meeting Leto in the Consortiums offices they get nowhere. Defeated, they leave town after a few days, heading west to Corvis, designing new and different drilling machines on the way.

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