Wednesday 22 August 2007

Welcome to Five Fingers.......

3rd Donard, Cinten, 605 AR.

It took another two weeks to travel the remainder of the Dragons Tongue and reach Five Fingers. The party came on two seperate boats. Along the way they had made friends with some new people, adventurers like themselves. There was a strongheahded Paladin of Menoth, who argued repeatedly with the Cleric of Morrow. Also accompanying them was a female Elf, Aoima. A rare breed indeed in these parts, though it was said several hundred called Five Fingers home. The Elf, with her piercing stare, certainly made an impression upon Thalan, who from his first meeting could never look her in the eye again. The profits of their last little escapade were certainly going to pay here, the Orgoth armour and items that they had managed to recover from the ruins had been sold ot various collectors, this resulted in the party beinga fre thousand crowns up. Thalan however had decided to keep his rather nice sword in exchange for his share of the loot. The party landed in Dockgrav.

Upon arriving in the city the party soon split up and started haeding off in their various groups. Sam Vimes went and found a nearby bar and started gathering information on the new city. Of the others, indeed almost immediately, the Cleric of Morrow and Thrawcheld were relieved of their heavy wallets by some friendlt local thieves. This too was tried upon Gaunt, but the didnt really take to it, and quickly sent the ragamuffins on their way. One of the new companions that had joined the assorted mob of adventurers was a paladin of Mentoh, going by the name of Victor Darkmantle. Five fingers however was not really to his liking, their was eveil everywhere, so he decided that something should be done about it. He set straight out for the City Watch Barraks and applied for the post of watchan. Thalan, Gaunt and Tok however went to find some sort of accomodation, dreams of setting up a small shop in their minds. Prices here were expensive though. Eventually they managed to find a couple of rooms, located on the fourth floor of a building on Doleth Island. Sam in the mean time had leartn much about the city. He was determined to get in on some of the action that the crimnal wrold offered. He soon found a section of the city that was run by a gang, working for Captain Hurley. Entering their bar, The Leakey Bucket, he bought a few drinks for the patrons, whose gang colours were a light green. Here he met their leader, an affable gentleman with an eyepatch by the name of Walter Schenk. The beer was cheap and the company was good, Sam had found his niche. The peace was not to last. Gunshots were heard outside. Dashing from the the pub the gang, with Sam in tow immediately began to do battle with men, who appeared to be wearing a lot of red. Sam fired of a few shots, injuring one and most certainyl killing another, however a blow to the back of his head soon threw everything into darkenss. He awoke some hours later in a room with a couple of other men, bandaged like himself. Walther entered and thanked him for his work, he too and a few bruises and cuts. Walter asked Sam to join his gang, The Shankers, Sam agreed.

Victors attempts to join the watch were not going well, he filled out their forms and waited for several days, but evberytime he came back to enquire he was fobbed off. Finally after a week he recieved a flat refusal to allow him into the watch, Disheartened he left. To pay his way he had taken up emplyment as a labourer in a factory. It was certainyl good exercise even if the pay was bad. If the watch wouldnt have him then perhaps somebody else would. Asking about town he soon found that various companies were intrested hiring extra security for theri buildings and operations. Soon enough Victor was being paid to act as a nightwatchman. It was while enjoying some ale after work that he bumped into Sam in a pub. Reaquainting himself with his od travelling partner they began to talk. Soon Victor was helping some of Sma new found friends protect a small Wharehouse in the Rivergrav area.

The Cleric of Morrow had gone to find the Cathedral. What he saw was indeed shocking and disheatening. Morrow was albut ignored and the Cathedral was in a very bad state. Certainyl he would have his work cut out for him doing Morrows work in this hive of scum and villainy. Meeting with the Prelate he soon discovered the situation of the Church of Morrow in the city. Rooms were offered for his use while he was resident in the city. He immedieately got to work on helping to clear up some of the grafitti and danage caused by gangs and Thamarites to the once beautiful building of worship. He also set up a small stall out front of the cathedral selling potions, curatives and other items to the people of the city, offereing to cure the sick and destitue for free. What profit he made he handed over to the Prelate to help the cause of Morrow in Five Fingers. Ogrim when he arrive in the city eventually found him there. The Clerics teachings had so inspired him that he wanted to hear more and help do Morrows work in the city. As there were no rooms suitable in the Cathedral a tent was assemebled within its grounds. So long as he assited in the repar and mainatnce of the Cathedral he was permitted to live there free.

Gaunt, Thalan, Tok, Thrawcheld the Druid and a Kossite Scout that they had met on their trip down the Dragons Tongue, were seeking employemnt of their own. Tok from information he had leartn from the neighbours, decided that he was going to try and help supply the worker of Bellicose Island with water, at a price of course, for water was in short supply in the city. With the aid of the Druids magic a large supply of water was created inside a barrel and standing on the corner of a street nearby to several foundries Tok attempted to sell his wares. Things did not go well, depsite his cheap price of 1 silver for a large glass of water, nobody wished to buy. He dropped the price to 5 copper but stil there were very frew takers. After several hours a well dressed badling man in a suit came out. He asked him if he was new in Five Fingers, Tok said that he was. Ah said the man, thats what he thought. He then proceeed to inform the gobber that though water was lacking in the city, that readily available, tastier and cheaper beer was not. He then boguh a mug of Toks water and bid him a good day. Tok stumped for the moment returned to his shared apartments.

The Druid in this period quickly found the few public gardens and parks in the city. Realising that the topography and geology of the city was not ideal for the growing of plants, he set out ot improve what he could. He began to sculpt and landscape and do all he possibly could to help the garden grow. His efforts would take time but it would be worth it. He began to give a series of lectures and infrom the passing nobility and rich patrons of the area of the different types of plants and what could be donw with them. He soon gathered a small follwoing of scholars and intested persons who would come to listen to him.

Gaunt spent many days designing and improving hios idea for the Zappo lighter. Finally he came up with a wrking prototype. It would be this item he hoped that would mark him on the map. He began to put some feelers out, trying to spread the word of his new invention and trying to gather some intrest from patrons who might wish to invest. He was soon attracted to the fighting pits of Chasers Island, there he found mechanikal aswell as the regular types of blood sport. In one arena he offered his services to a team who wrere trying to repair their small labourjack for the next fight. Offering his advice to the new and inexperianced team he whipped out his handy tool kit and made a few adjustemtns and changes. It payed off and in the next fight the jack won, winning him and Thalan a few hundered gold pieces. The owber of the team was impressed and direcetd him to a gentleman, a Mr. Sebastain Kaydor, a businessman and socialite in the city. Approaching him Guant introduced himself and informed Mr Kaydor of his services. An appointment was made with Mr Kaydor for the follwing day at 2.00 pm.

Thursday 16 August 2007

Stay away from that trapdoor......

2nd Vendarl, Cinten, 605 AR.

The party had managed to travel some way down the Dragons Tongue river without being interrupted. The boats would pull in to towns and villages along the way every few days to give the crews and any passengers a rest or a chance to leave. A week passed in this easy and leasurely manner. It was upon arrival at Pout Bourne with its mighty locks that controlled the flow of traffic upon the Dragons Tongue that the party found their next opportunity to make a profit. Passage through all the locks would take sometime. Port Bourne being a rather large and important place the party decided to take some leave here for a while and see what sort of employment was available here.

A local news sheet was purchased and scanned by the members of the party. Apart from the fascinating and occassionaly troubling news of the Khardic attrocities being committed in occupied Llael, the local obituaries and items for sale section, there was a plastered across one of the pages a report of an Orgoth ruin, that had recently been discovered by accident. A young boy from a village some 20 miles to the North West had fallen down a hole while playing in some woods with his friends. Upon further investigation this hole lead to various chambers and tunnels which produced variious Orgoth relics. The family had taken these and were selling them. This piqued the intrest of the party. An Orgoth ruin might have substantial treasure to be had. Setting off the following morning the party headed out for the village.

The weather was somewhat abismall, it rained steadily for most of the day. As evening came on the adventurers arrived at the village and proceeded directly to the warmth and dry of the local inn. The Inn was a modest affair but was surprisingly full considering the size of the community it sereved. The common room was full of people, all dressed in the garb of adventurers mercenaries and other hunters of fortune. Clearly others had had a simialr ideas as the the party. Finding s space for themselves food and alcohol was ordered and consumed most merrily. The networking then began. Going about the inn and the village itself the party soon discovered the various groups had come in over the last few days, all having heard of the discovery of the Orgoth ruins, all keen to get hold of the treasures it may hold. The ruin itself was located in a small wood, a few miles to the west, beyond the next ridge. The party managed to aquire what few remaining rooms there were in the inn, the landlord was having to tripple and quadruple up. The evening passed and the rain continued.

The next moring was grey, but the rain had finally stopped. Enjoying an early breakfast the party had decided to set out fresh and early. It was then that they had met Radik. Introducing himself he gave the party a brisk warning, not to get in his way, not to go out to the ruins, because he and his men (who were palced about the common room eating and drinking the hearty fare) were gonna claim all that was in that ruin. They had already had to have words with a few opther groups who decided not to head the warning, they were currently nurisng broken bones. The party did not take to kindly to this, but let it slide. Unanimously deciding that they were going to get there before Radik they left the Inn.

It didnt take too long to arrive at the ruins, going over the ridge, before them they saw a series of hills that formed a bowl. In the middle of this bowl was a small hill covered in trees. The road went past but turned a few hundred yards before the hill. Heading down the party jumped over the drystone wall and headed into the woods. Making their way up the slope they spied a cmp fire. Dropping to the ground and and ducking behind trees they approached cautiously, surrounding the camp site from three sides, Tok making best use of his chameleon like skin. Thalan, taking the lead stepped out into the campsite. There sitting about the fire, cooking a couple of rabbits, was an elderly man. Long grey hair and a beard with travel stained clothing. With him was a young boy, perhaps 14 or 15. Despite their harmelss appearnace, the party was cautious, the man was armed with a crossbow which he had pointed at Thalen. Introducing himself Thalan beckoned forwards some of the other members. Gaunt, Thrawcheld came forwards, flanking the two. Tok remained concealed and circled around them, edging towards the fire. The old man called Tok forwards, despite never glancing in his direction. Coming into the camp the adventurers introduced themsleves, and told the two that they were here for the ruins. The old man introduced himself, Gramps, and lowered his crossbow, the boy was Eric, he remained rather quiet throughout all of the exchange. Gramps had come yesterday evening with a party of adventuruers. They had gone down the hole, he pointed over to a outcrop of rocks nearby. They had yet to return.

Gramps continued to roast the few rabbits that he had caught over the samll campfire. The tantalsing smells of the cooking meat had Tok hooked, though he personally would have prefereed them a lot rarer. Gathering around the fire the two groups began to talk amiably, though Eric remained quiet as always. From their questioning of the kindly old man they party soon learnt that Gramps was hired as a guide by the absent adventurers. He had promised to stay here for atleast a day but if they did nto return he was free to leave. They also asked him about Radik. Laughing Gramps said that he had been approached by Radik but that he cared naught for that pile of dung.

It began to rain lightly. Tok gave word that he had spotted men coming down the ridge behind them, about five by the looks of it. The men enterend the woods, it was Radik and his goons. Throwing some insults at the adventurers and Gramps, Eric look abashed and kept himself hidden, Radik and his men made their way to the entrance of the tunnels. Gloating that he and his associates would retun laden with trasure, all the treasure that there was they entered in turn. Tok and taken the opportunity, while they were baiting Gramps, to cover the rope the previous party had used to enter the tunnels and the tunnel floor with some oil. As he expected there were some slapstick moments.

Another couple of hours passed and sicne the original band had yet to reappear Gramps decided to leave. He and Eric began to pack up his camp. The party took this as sign, they decided to enter the tunnels and catch up to Radik. Bidding fairwell to Gramps and Eric they stooped (except for Tok) through the hole in the rocks and with the aid of the now dry rope, climbed down the increasingly steep slope of the tunnel floor. With the assiatnce of torches and lanterns the party could see quite well.

The party dropped down into a large square stone room. There was one door, it was solid and made of rusted iron. The tunnel back to the surface was placed halfway up along the far wall, it had obviouly formed from some subsidence and cave inns over the centuries. The door ofcourse was open, the room itself was empty apart from some detritus. Readying themselves the party pressed forwards out into the darkness. Thrawcheld and Tok in the lead. The door led onto a long corridor. On either side there were a couple of closed doors, big heavy wooden and iron ones. All closed. The corrifdor continued into the darkness but as the progressed down it they could see another open doorway at its end. The paty decided to examine the first door they had passed. Thrawcheld opened it with his lock picking abilities. The peered inside. Bones strewed the floor. Among them creatures scuttled, Spiders the size of dogs. They scuttled and hid in the corners. The party cautiously entered the room. There were holes in the walls and evidnce of cave ins. There were also some iron chests. The spiders did not appreciate their visiotrs and defended their territory, spraying some sort of acid out. They were quickly dealth with. The chest however prooved to be empty, nothing of value lay within. The same was true of the boxes and barrels in the next room. Clearly the other had bypassed these rooms.

The party advanced down the hallway to the door at the end. The corridor then split off to the left and right. One way was as good as another and the party had no way of knowing which way the other had gone. They decided to take the left fork. The followed it, advancing cautiously. Not cautiously enough though. One of the floor stones sunk under their weight and darts began to shoot out from the wall. They caused no serious injury other than a few scratched, but they did highlight that greater caution was needed. This they did. A few more traps threw themselves in their way, but with Thrawchelds guidance and knowledge of such matters, injuries were kept to a minimum and many of the traps were defused or avoided. Clearly the other had not come this way.

Once again there was a door along one of the walls. The lock was picked and the party entered. Again the room was infested with spiders, though the acid damaged their weapons Tok provided them with some oil cloth to wipe them down and so preserve them, though they would no doubt need some repair later. Ogrin had not coe with them, but they could always use his smithing services later. The beasts were slain. Tok got out some flasks and glass capsules and began to collect some of the acid from the corpses of the aracnids. However in this room there were some itesm to be found. Among the bones of animals that were scattered across the floor several things gleamed in the torchlight. These appared to be various small Orgoth bowls and cups and other such smaller domestic items. Valuable they were but not vast treasure. Nevertheless they were gathered up, a profit could be made.

The party contiuned down the corridor. They came to a locked door. Tog examined it. At this point ancient Orgoth magic struk. The dor was wereated in fire. Burnt Tok jumped back. Clearly there was more to this place than they had imagines and they would have to be increasingly carefull if witchcraft was involved. The door was eventually opened. It lead to some stairs that descended a few feet then contiued in another corridor. There was also another branch off to the right. The party decided to stick to the left so as not to get lost and conduct a thorough search. Thalan was doing his best to create a map of the place to assist them. A few more traps took their toll on the health of the party. No seriosu injuires were incurred and the Druid compensated and provided the adventurers with the healing arts. This was Orgoth and there must be something in these ruins to neccessitate such defences. Blades, darts, witchcraft. What were they hiding?

They found a hole in the floor, several feet across. There was a floor belot them, the drop to the next level was just over nine feet. They decided to head down. Attaching some rope to a iron bracket in the wall, the party lowered itself down one by one. Contiuing on they found yet another corrior. It too forked to the left and to the right. Going left they discovered a set of spiralling stairs. This must clearly lead back up to the previous level. Turning about they advanced down the right hand passage. The party picked their way through another door. Now fate would paly its part. A thick stone door began to lower itself from the ceiling. Inexorably getting closer to the door. Yet none had triggered a trap. Ahead wa th unknown. Thrawcheld the himslf back under before it was to late. The others stayed. The party was now seperated. Thrarcheld made his way back though the tunnels, heading up the spiral stairs to the floor above. The others continued on, their path now chosen for them. The corridor went on. Then it suddenyl stopped. A chasm had opened up across the corridor. A chasm 3oft across. A stone was dropped. The sound disappeared into the depths. The bottom was avery long way away. There was o way of climoing across using the stones in the wall, it too had largely fallen away. A rope with a hook was fastened securely round Tok. Thalan spinning then hurled the gobber across the chasm towards some roof beams on the other side. Tok disappeared into the darkness. Landing sucesfully Tok secured the hook in the roof beam. He was however not alone. This particular nook was the home of one of the many spiders. It was to say the least. surprised to see Tok. Tok was surpriesed to see it. They boath screamed, as far as either species could. Tok hit the spider, the spider hit Tok. This was repeated several times. The spider desciding that discretion was indeed the better part of valour sprayed its acid and fled. Tok had won. Calling from the other side the adventurers asked if he was ok? He replied he was fine.

The rope was secured and the party climbed across the chasm. Once all on the other side the party continued donw the corridor. There they found the foirst party, all of them nailed and stapled to the walls, some in bits, having been dismembered. The party looked on agahast. Leaving the grizzly sight behind them, they continued. Again they came to another heavy Iron door. However screaming could be heard. They opened the door.

The room was large and well lit. Sconces and chandliers illuminated it with thousands of candles. Chests, barrels and boxes were stacked in every corners. The walls however were hung with Radik and his men, skinned and mutilated, some still alive despite their grievous injuries. Radik himself was suspended via a chain from a chandelier. The perpetraitor of this villainy, stood before them. He was a tall, muscled naked man, devoid of all hair, and instead of a left arm he had a large rusty blade from the elbow, his left was a fork. Turning his scarred face he smiled sadistically. By the looks of him it seemed someone had bolted bits together and attacjed them to form this creature. Despite his size he move fast, wading in amongst the adventurers. The screams of the victims filled the air. Slashing and punching he ripped through armour and deflect blows. Despite cutting him with their weapons he didnt slow or tire. Little blood flowed from him, but the party was begining to tire and secumb from injuries. Tok with the acid he had collected smashed vial after vial into the beast, magaing to destroy one of his arms. He could no longer stab with the fork, but he could bash their much brittler bodies with the metal stump. Gaunt managed to trip the beast, taking advantage of its vulnerability the party struck again and again plunging their weapons into the thing. Everytime it tried to rise the Cruids wolf would bite and claw at it pulling it back down to the ground. Blow after blow rained down. Finally it stopped, a bloody wreck.

Radik and his men were now dead, only the party remained. They sat down and began to tend to their injuries. Thrwcheld meanwhile had gone back they way they had come. Looking in one of the rooms they had avoided. Entering he found the usual den of spiders which he put to flight. Here too he found a few Orgoth nick nacks. Gathering them up he awaited the return of his associates.

The party searched the room. Mnay of the boxes and chests were empty or contained items of no great value, decaying cloth and pots, dust. However some were full. One of the chests, booby trapped with several baldes and spells, whcih caused some distress, was full of armour, Orgoth plate, a fine prize indeed. Thalan, found at the bottom of another, a sword. An Orgoth sword, one with a mgical air about it. This was his. The were a series of levers in the room. Pulling these the party discovered they controlled the stone door that had trapped them. Gathering up the loot the party returned the way they had come. Meeting up with Thrawcheld the party left the Orgoth ruins. Emerging into th woods, it was now nightfall. The rain continued. Heading back out onto the road they returned to the village. Infroming the villagers and Gramps of the fate of the the other parties that had gone in before them, they told the tale of their fight with the beast. The next day the left, bidding fairwell to the villagers and other adventurers who had listened to their tale. The trekked back to Port Bourne, buying passage on the next ship heading down the Dragons Tongue, towards Five Fingers, the Port of Deceit.